Charles Vest, Charles Vest, President of the U.S. National Academy of Engineers, MIT President Emeritus
"Open Education for an Open World"
> top

Mohammed T. Al Sellemi, Director, Human Resources Services Department,
Saudi Aramco
"Where is My Teacher? The Evolution of the Digital School And its Impact on Global Learning"
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Catherine Casserly, Senior Partner at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
"Open Educational Resources and the Bull’s-Eye: Opening Access to Knowledge AND Improving Teaching and Learning"
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Milton Chen, Senior Fellow at the George Lucas Educational Foundation
"Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovation in Our Schools"
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Gajaraj Dhanarajan, recently retired Vice Chancellor of the new Wawasan Open University in Malaysia
"A Study of the Creation and Use of Open Educational Resources in Some Parts of Asia"
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Bakary Diallo, Rector of the African Virtual University
"Developing and Delivering Online Math and Science Teacher Education Programs with 10 African countries"
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Andy DiPaolo, Stanford University
"Moving to Anywhere, Anytime Learning: Institutional Strategies for Meeting the Online Education Needs of Lifelong Learners"
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Muhammad Kashif Farooq
"Implementation of BLOSSOMS in Pakistan"
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Robert Hawkins, Senior Education Specialist at the World Bank Institute
"The Top 10 Global Trends in ICT and Education"
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Michael B. Horn, Co-founder and Executive Director, Education, of Innosight Institute
"Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns"
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Said Jahama, General Manager of E-learning Arabia, Amman, Jordan
"Suggested Additions to Supplement the MIT Blossoms Learning Videos"
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M. S.Vijay Kumar, Senior Associate Dean & Director, Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT)
"Network Enabled Open Education: Changing the Landscape of Learning Opportunity"
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Patricio López del Puerto, President, Virtual University at Tecnológico de Monterrey
"The Case
of the Virtual University of Tecnológico de Monterrey"
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Naveed A. Malik, Founder-Rector of the Virtual University of Pakistan
"Assessment of Large Student Cohorts in a Formal Distributed Learning Environment"
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Cliff Missen, Director of the WiderNet project of the University of Iowa Graduate Program
"The WiderNet Project: Casting a Wider Net"
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David E. Pritchard, Green Professor of Physics, MIT, Developer of Mastering Physics
"What Are Students Learning, and From What Activity?"
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Rana Abu Zeid Qubain, General Manager of Investment World for Development and Technology in Amman, Jordan, Project Manager of MIT BLOSSOMS
"BLOSSOMS Experience from Production to Implementation"
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Andrew W. Reynolds, Deputy Science & Technology Adviser, Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State
"Science, Technology and Engineering Education in 21st Century Diplomacy and Development"
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Sean M. Rowland, Founder and President, Hibernia College, Dublin, Ireland
"Case Study: iTeach-Next Generation Learning"
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