Fifth International Conference of
Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC)
May 23rd – 26th
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts
The objective of this conference
is to provide an effective and established international forum
for discussion and dissemination of recent advances and innovations
in technology-enabled education at the university level in emerging
nations. Its aim is to allow leading-edge educators and developers
in a wide variety of areas concerned with technology-enabled teaching
and learning to present their results.
Important Dates:
Scope of the conference:
The primary focus of this conference
is on new and innovative applications of technology-enabled education
in universities around the world, especially in emerging countries.
We solicit the submission of papers that address novel and challenging
ideas and/or report on real applications with concrete results.
In particular, this year we are looking for submissions that demonstrate
the leadership role of universities in reaching down to secondary
schools and reaching up to life-long learners, with the goal of
bringing technology-enabled education to learners of all ages.
Suggested topics include, but are
not limited to, the following areas:
To receive details
on how to submit a paper, download the document Author Guidelines
(download in Word and PDF
formats). Attention: Some font information
in this document has recently been changed. However, if you have
already completed your final manuscript according to the previous
document, you do not need to make the font change from 10 to 12
in the abstract and main text.
There are a limited number
of partial travel scholarships available.To learn how to apply
for these scholarships, download the document Application
for a Partial Travel Scholarship. (download in Word
and PDF